Sunday, March 28, 2010

1Malaysia's Success Depend On How Ethnic Interests are Addressed

The 1Malaysia Foundation(Yayasan 1Malaysia) has proposed to be implemented to achieve a balance between ethnicity and economic prosperity, in line with the 1Malaysia concept. Among the five steps are:

First: Observe the equilibrium establish in Federal Constitution between "special position"
and "interests of right as other community".

Second: Refer, the concept first New Economic Policy (NEP), to eradicate poverty regardless of ethnicity.

Third: NEP second goal, to reduce the economic function based on ethnic identification.

Fourth: Abuse of power and greed at all levels of society.

Fifth: Media practitioners, politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and anyone who has strong influence in the community should be encourageed to view issue of ethnicity in relevance to the economy from a more holistic perspektive.

Trusstees Chairman Dr. Chandra Muzaffar said, How the importance of ethnic issues addressed in the economic and social development will be key to determining success and failure of 1Malaysia.

( Dec 17 2009...

In my opinian, First step is indeed necessary viewed critically because according to the Federal Constitution the malay only are given more priority than other races, this will create the perception of other people the government be favoritism..this step is not to change the constitution but to improve as people age independence era and globalization mentality is different.
While, second and third step is most important because asset in developing countries to achieve a balance between ethnicity.

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