the establishment lotus F1 team 1 malaysia is suitable for our nation,with has many races as been said by prime minister malaysia out of 1 malaysia concept.
lotus F1 team 1 malaysia is not only own by several individual,but also own by all malaysian citizen .In establishment of this team ,the 1 malaysia spirit with is"people first,performance now" has became its princip.
the ministry of youth and youth and sport,has voice out,it's opinion to combine all the sport under 1 malaysia theme.The combination of such sport also help the offices from difference races,who conduct the sport can work together and make the process to be more effective.
Furthermore,recognizing the sports based on races should be a abolished from primary school itself,so,the wont be any racial emotion.Where the student think that certain sports only for particular races only .In places with has difference races the society should be ancouraged to join sport activities.For example,the malay should be encouraged to play basketball,meanwhile,the chinese and indian should be encouraged to play "sepak takraw" but this,only can happen if all of them all ready familiar with such activities from primary school itself.Making every malaysian student to join at least one sport for the country,could develop a succesful citizen,both academicly and sport wise,and also could strengthen the relationship between races,this is idea of our education ministry.
the government also built "people sport arena",which has been the new hot place for youth of various races to spend their free time.Hopefully,this "people sport arena"will reduces social problems,created by youth and also strengthen up the inter racial relationship.
sport could be an effective medium for people from all the races to do common activities among then,and get to know each other better.
It also had been proven that sport can be youth to create patriotisme among our society and build national integration.
It is very sad that nowadays we have to recognize sports based on race,for example,we hardly see chinese in playing soccer.In 1970's,malaysia was a powerful football team in asia,there were many races in the team in comparison to the present team.
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